Whistleblowing Policy at Bondtech AB

Last update on 22nd of September2023 15:00 CET

At Bondtech we are committed to providing a safe, secure, ethical working environment for all our employees and partners. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that malpractice or illegal conduct is reported and addressed appropriately.

Tell us if you feel like something is off or suspect any law or company policy violations at Bondtech. Whether you are an employee, partner, or customer, we encourage you to report suspected cases of misconduct or other serious concerns.

It is up to you how much information you want to provide. As a whistleblower, you will be completely anonymous throughout the process, and your report will be treated confidentially.

Our Whistleblowing Process

As a company of Ernströmgruppen, Bondtech follows the procedures set forth by the parent company. Through Ernströmgruppen, we have implemented a whistleblower function (Whistlelink) where anonymous reports can be submitted.

You can choose how much information to provide and are guaranteed anonymity throughout the process.

All incoming cases are handled immediately by the company Whistleblowing Solutions, which acts as an external recipient for Bondtech’s whistleblower function.

Registrations receive a unique case number and a verification code. This information can be used to send in additional information or receive feedback in the case, which will occur no later than 90 days after receipt. Whistleblowing Solutions conducts an initial assessment of the case to determine if it is of such a nature that it can be handled in the whistleblower function.