Bondtech DDX Direct Drive eXtruder upgrade kits for Creality 3D printers





Upgrade Kits




Direct Drive eXtruder

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A light and versatile Direct Drive eXtruder that will perfectly fit most of the Ender and CR models from Creality. Easy to install and able to work with the original hotend, this Upgrade Kit can also work with Copperhead™ and Mosquito™ hotends.

Know more about the DDX PHases by clicking here.

Born from our BMG Bondtech Mini Geared, this is an extruder that even as a new model, has already proven so much. The DDX is the lightest and most compact direct drive extruder for Creality, and enjoys the popular reliability and performance of its parent.

Like the BMG, the DDX also has a higher resolution than the stock extruder, and it requires to use an updated e-steps value of 415. We have a guide on how to
Change Machine Settings

… or just download and “3D print” this
g-code file in case your printer can save values to the EEPROM.

You can also update the firmware using one of the 520 different setups
you can find by clicking here

The DDX enables to raise the max nozzle temperature of the compatible Creality 3D printers up to 300°C, using a PHase 4 upgrade, that gives new thermistor, heater and firmware to the setup.

Find the DDX Step By Step Guides by clicking here.